Memory formation for a passive avoidance task in the domestic chick is like
ly to involve a hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV)-archistriatum-lobus parolfact
orius (LPO) are. The present study summarises previous findings, relevant t
o this neural system, and is also supplemented with some recent data from o
ur laboratory. Projections from the IMHV on the archistriatum, as well as f
rom the archistriatum on the LPO, have been characterised using a combinati
on of anterograde pathway tracing (Phaseolus lectin), and post-embedding GA
BA and glutamate immunocytochemistry. The majority of IMHV efferents have b
een found to synapse with dendritic spine heads and necks of densely spiny
projection neurons of the ventral archistriatum, and the ultrastructure of
synapses suggested a potent excitatory input. Similar synaptic connections
of the excitatory type were ultrastructurally verified between ventral arch
istriatal afferent terminals and dendrites or spines of the LPO, suggesting
an involvement of the medium sized spiny neurons, which are typical of the
striatum. Although some of the IMHV boutons terminating in the archistriat
um were immunoreactive to glutamate, this was not observed in the archistri
atal-LPO pathway. Tegmental connections of the basal ganglia, in particular
LPO, are also likely to play a role in processing of the avoidance respons
e. We have demonstrated reciprocal connections between the LPO and dopamine
rgic (TH-positive) neurons of the substantia nigra and ventral tegmentum. D
opamine D1 receptors were upregulated bilaterally in the LPO following avoi
dance learning and this response was not accompanied by significant changes
in the level of dopamine or its metabolites (HVA, DOPAC), as revealed by H
PLC chromatography of brain samples dissected from the LPO of control and t
rained chicks. The dopamine receptor-related phosphoprotein DARPP-32 was lo
calised in dendritic elements of the LPO, often forming asymmetric synapses
with glutamate immunoreactive axon terminals. The findings are consistent
with a scenario in which the striatum acts as a suppressor of natural pecki
ng behaviour. Learned visual association with the target (bead) occurs in t
he IMHV and is relayed to the basal ganglia via the limbic archistriatum (a
mygdala equivalent) the latter introducing a motivational element (aversion
, fear). Suppression of a brainstem pecking centre is likely to involve act
ivation of the nigrostriatal (tegmentostriatal) dopaminergic circuit. (C) 1
999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.