For animal populations in many parts of the world, direct (albeit often acc
idental) killing by humans may be a significant source of mortality. Many s
nakes are killed by people (especially by automobiles) every year, but the
determinants of a snake's vulnerability to anthropogenic mortality land thu
s, patterns of mortality with respect to sex, age and season) are poorly kn
own. We present data on 652 French snakes of six species (Coluber viridifla
vus, Elaphe longissima, natrix maura, N. natrix, Vipera aspis, V. berus) ki
lled either by natural predators, domestic animals or humans (including roa
dkills). We used information on seasonal patterns of mortality (plus inform
ation on population structure from 338 captures of live snakes) to test the
hypothesis that snakes are killed mostly when they disperse from their usu
al home ranges. This hypothesis generates several falsifiable predictions o
n the expected correlates of mortality rates; most of these predictions are
supported by our data. For example, young-of-the-year snakes are killed pr
imarily in the period immediately after hatching (while they disperse); sub
adults (which are sedentary) generally experience low mortality rates; adul
t males are killed mainly during the mating season (especially in species w
here mate-searching males travel widely); and adult females in oviparous sp
ecies are killed during their egg-laying migrations. Relative to population
density, species that use frequent long-distance movements in foraging exp
erience higher mortality than sedentary ambush foragers. In one species (E.
longissima), larger males are more at risk. The success of these predictio
ns suggests that movement patterns of snakes may offer valuable indices of
their vulnerability to direct anthropogenic mortality. (C) 1999 Elsevier Sc
ience Ltd. All rights reserved.