The present study is concerned with the absorption and disposition of a tri
peptoid (N-substituted glycine derivative) and a tetrapeptide in the rat. T
he two compounds have similar backbone structures but differ with respect t
o the presence or absence of peptide bond. [H-3]tripeptoid and [H-3]tetrape
ptide were administered orally (30 mg kg(-1)) and intravenously (i.v.) (30
or 3 mg kg(-1)) to Sprague Dawley rats. Blood, urine and feces were collect
ed at designated times for radioactivity and parent drug analysis. The inte
stinal absorptive clearances of the tripeptoid and tetrapeptide were studie
d using an in situ rat intestinal perfusion model. The octanol;water partit
ion coefficient of these two compounds was also determined. The results sho
wed that the peptoid and peptide have similar absorptive clearance and octa
nol/water partitioning, but different in vivo absorption and disposition ch
aracteristics. The absorptive clearances of the tripeptoid and tetrapeptide
were 6.7 and 4.8 x 10(-4) mL min(-1) cm(-1), respectively, and the corresp
onding octanol/water partition coefficients were 0.39 and 0.30. The extent
of oral absorption of the tripeptoid was only 3-8%, consistent with its low
absorptive clearance. In contrast, the apparent absorption of the tetrapep
tide was > 75% of the radioactive dose. The peptide was completely metaboli
zed within 2 h after an i.v. dose, whereas the peptoid was stable in blood
and was primarily eliminated in feces as intact drug. In conclusion, the di
fference in in vivo absorption and disposition between the peptoid and pept
ide was apparently due to the presence or absence of a peptide bond. The te
trapeptide was subject to rapid metabolism in the body. Its relatively high
absorption appeared to represent the absorption of metabolized radioactive
fragments. The peptoid appears to have advantages over the peptide in term
of metabolic stability, but its low oral absorption and rapid biliary excr
etion present additional challenges in the selection of an optimal drug can
didate. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.