Current methods for determining carbon content in individual planktonic cel
ls from particle volume alone may involve large errors, and no routine tech
nique exists for determining chlorophyll a content in individual phytoplank
ters. In this study the concept of using the refractive index of cells as a
measure of intracellular concentrations of carbon and chlorophyll a is dis
cussed. Specifically, the real part of the refractive index n (at light wav
elengths where absorption is negligible or very small) is shown to correlat
e well with the intracellular concentration of carbon, C-i. The imaginary p
art of the refractive index n' (in the red band of chlorophyll a) correlate
s well with the intracellular chlorophyll concentration, Chl(i). These rela
tionships were found to be nearly identical for two species, a cyanobacteri
um Synechococcus and a diatom Thalassiosira a pseudonana, over a two-fold r
ange in C-i and Chl(i), This range was associated with interspecies differe
nces and intraspecies variations in the cell properties over a day-night cy
cle. These observations and the underlying theoretical considerations sugge
st that the relationships C-i vs. n and Chl(i) vs, n' may be robust and hol
d for a variety of planktonic species regardless of interspecies and intras
pecies variability in cellular carbon content, Chi a content, and cell size
. In addition, these relationships may be applicable to single-particle ana
lysis of natural water samples, which promises a unique capability to acqui
re information about the distribution of carbon and chlorophyll a among ind
ividual cells, different size classes, and taxonomic groups of planktonic m
icroorganisms in the ocean. Further research with various planktonic specie
s is needed to examine the generality of the relationships C-i vs, n and Ch
l(i) vs, n' before the approach can be implemented in field studies. (C) 19
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