Ma. Chutuape et al., Contingent reinforcement sustains post-detoxification abstinence from multiple drugs: A preliminary study with methadone patients, DRUG AL DEP, 54(1), 1999, pp. 69-81
This study examined the efficacy of a urinalysis-based contingency manageme
nt program for preventing relapse to abused drugs following a brief residen
tial detoxification. Fourteen methadone maintenance patients who were chron
ic benzodiazepine users were enrolled in a 7-day inpatient benzodiazepine d
etoxification and randomly assigned to receive Contingency Management (N =
7) or Standard Care (N = 7) therapy upon return to outpatient methadone tre
atment. In the Contingency Management condition, a methadone take-home dose
or a US $25 voucher (patient's choice) could be earned for each urine samp
le submitted on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday that was free of opiates, coc
aine and benzodiazepines. Data analysis and interpretation focused on withi
n-group post-hoc differences due to group differences on employment and leg
al status, potentially confounding baseline variables. Repeated measures an
alysis of variance showed that Contingency Management patients submitted si
gnificantly more drug-free urine samples during the intervention compared t
o pre-detoxification (p < 0.01), whereas no significance changes were obser
ved from pre- to post-detoxification in the Standard Care patients. Employm
ent and legal status of patients may have facilitated response to contingen
cy management procedures, but did not prevent relapse when contingency mana
gement procedures were withdrawn. Overall, these preliminary results sugges
t that abstinence-based contingency management is a promising strategy for
preventing relapse to multiple drugs of abuse in a subset of methadone main
tenance patients when abstinence has been initiated through brief inpatient
treatment. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.