Although the incidence and prevalence of serious adverse drug reactions (AD
Rs) in the elderly cannot be accurately stated, published estimates appear
to be unchanged since the earliest reports in the 1960s. Whereas heightened
awareness of the problem may weigh in favour of a reduction in ADR frequen
cy, the dramatic increase in the number and availability of therapeutic age
nts has undoubtedly contributed to the observed high proportion of drug-ind
uced morbidity among acute geriatric hospital admissions. No single drug or
drug class is of particular concern since none appears to cause serious mo
rbidity out of proportion with its use.
Although numerous studies have sought to identify risk factors for ADRs, th
e only truly independent predictor is the absolute number of concurrently u
sed medications, However, other studies indicate that there is poor doctor-
patient agreement regarding a patient's drug regimen, and interventions tha
t aim to reduce the incidence of ADRs have failed to demonstrate: a positiv
e effect. Thus at present the most rational approach would appear to be to
establish an accurate knowledge of the patients drug regimens: once this is
known one can attempt to rationally minimise the number of medications wit
hout compromising therapeutic goals.