The ability of cells to maintain genomic integrity is vital for cell surviv
al and proliferation. Lack of fidelity in DNA replication and maintenance c
an result in deleterious mutations leading to cell death or, in multicellul
ar organisms, cancer. The purpose of this review is to discuss the known si
gnal transduction pathways that regulate cell cycle progression and the mec
hanisms cells employ to insure DNA stability in the lace of genotoxic stres
s. In particular, we focus on mammalian cell cycle checkpoint functions, th
eir role in maintaining DNA stability during the cell cycle following expos
ure to genotoxic agents, and the gene products that act in checkpoint funct
ion signal transduction cascades. Key transitions in the cell cycle are reg
ulated by the activities of various protein kinase complexes composed oi cy
clin and cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) molecules. Surveillance control mech
anisms that check to ensure proper completion of early events and cellular
integrity before initiation of subsequent events in cell cycle progression
are referred to as cell cycle checkpoints and can generate a transient dela
y that provides the cell more time to repair damage before progressing to t
he next phase of the cycle. A variety of cellular responses are elicited th
at function in checkpoint signaling to inhibit cyclin/Cdk activities. These
responses include the p53-dependent and p53-independent induction of Cdk i
nhibitors and the p53-independent inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk molecul
es themselves. Eliciting proper G1, S, and G2 checkpoint responses to doubl
e-strand DNA breaks requires the function of the Ataxia telangiectasia muta
ted gene product. Several human heritable cancer-prone syndromes known to a
lter DNA stability have been found to have defects in checkpoint surveillan
ce pathways. Exposures to several common sources of genotoxic stress, inclu
ding oxidative stress, ionizing radiation, UV radiation, and the genotoxic
compound benzo[a]pyrene, elicit cell cycle checkpoint responses that show b
oth similarities and differences in their molecular signaling.