We have used quantitative X-ray microscopy in combination with Scanning For
ce Microscopy to monitor the phase separation of spun cast thin films of po
lystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) blends upon annealing. Both techniq
ues complement and enhance each other in elucidating the complicated struct
ures that develop as a function of annealing time. We have determined the c
omposition of the mixed phases that result from solvent spin casting. We su
bsequently observe the sudden rearrangement into domains much smaller than
those originally formed. Unique, intricate hydrodynamic mass flow patterns
form during coarsening which are in qualitative agreement with recent simul
ations of phase segregation in two-dimensional viscous fluids. Complicated
polymer-polymer interfaces persist even in the later stages that are explai
ned in terms of the geometric constraints of a thin film and the dependance
of polymer viscosity on film thickness.