Numerous assays have been developed to measure the residual concentration o
f leukocytes in leukoreduced blood components. The performance characterist
ics of these assays are critical for process control of leukoreduction, eva
luation of new devices, and clinical investigation. Not all assays, ape equ
ally robust, however, and users should evaluate assays based. on standard p
rinciples of performance. Five major performance characteristics of countin
g assays include: accuracy and bias, Linearity, limit of detection, precisi
on or reproducibility, and portability In particular, the lower limit of de
tection has been used with various meanings in the literature. Laboratories
considering using a particular counting assay can use the enclosed guideli
nes to evaluate the performance of the technique. In the future, the use of
automated counting methods for counting very low levels of residual donor
leukocytes is likely to become more widespread.