STAN is a Graphplan-based planner, so-called because it uses a variety of S
Tate ANalysis techniques to enhance its performance. STAN competed in the A
IPS-98 planning competition where it compared well with the other competito
rs in terms of speed, finding solutions fastest to many of the problems pos
ed. Although the domain analysis techniques STAN exploits are an important
factor in its overall performance, we believe that the speed at which STAN
solved the competition problems is largely due to the implementation of its
plan graph. The implementation is based on two insights: that many of the
graph construction operations can be implemented as bit-level logical opera
tions on bit vectors, and that the graph should not be explicitly construct
ed beyond the fix point. This paper describes the implementation of STAN's
plan graph and provides experimental results which demonstrate the circumst
ances under which advantages can be obtained from using this implementation