A. Baeza et al., Using Ra-226/Ra-228 disequilibrium to determine the residence half-lives of radium in vegetation compartments, J ENV RAD, 43(3), 1999, pp. 291-304
The concentrations of Ra-226 and Ra-228 were studied in different vegetatio
n compartments and in available and non-available soil fractions in a Medit
erranean scrubland ecosystem. A high percentage of the plant samples showed
an apparent discrimination in favour of Ra-226 Ra-228. A linear compartmen
tal model was applied to the soil-plant system. It allowed us over to expla
in why these discrimination coefficients differed from unity, to obtain the
residence half-lives of radium in the different compartments, to estimate
the age of the plants, and to simulate the temporal evolution of the radioa
ctive concentrations in each compartment. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.