Gross anatomical features of the male genital organs and accessory genital
glands of the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) are described. The lon
g fibroelastic penis lacks a prominent glans and is coiled at its: free end
to form two and one-half turns. Near the tight coils of the penis, on the
right ventrolateral aspect, Lies a U-shaped ventral process. The scrotum is
prominent, unpigmented, and devoid of hair and is attached close to the bo
dy, high in the perineal region. The ovoid, obliquely oriented testes carry
a large cauda and caput epididymis. Accessory genital glands consist of pa
ired, lobulated, club-shaped vesicular glands, and a pair of ovoid bulboure
thral glands. A well-defined prostate gland was not observed on the surface
of the pelvic urethra. Many features of the male genital organs of T. java
nicus are pleisomorphic, being retained from suiod ancestors of the Artioda