The judgment mechanisms underlying personal- and group-level ratings of dis
crimination and privilege were investigated in high- and lour-status groups
. PI consistent personal-group discrepancy is found for discrimination and
privilege: but is not due to personal differentiation from the group. Inste
ad, personal and group ratings are based on different comparison standards
and levels of self (personal vs. social identity); personal motives influen
ce personal ratings, and social motivations influence group ratings. This a
nalysis is supported by contrasting the traditional discrepancy score with
a direct comparison measure (Study 2) and by showing the sensitivity of gro
up ratings (but not personal ratings) to group audience and degree of group
identification (Studies 3 and 4). Studying the different meanings communic
ated with personal and group ratings provides mere insight into the dimensi
ons of deprivation than do analyses of discrepancy scores.