The objectives of this study were to characterize the amorphous state of ur
sodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) samples prepared by spray-drying, and to demonstr
ate the applicability of thermal and water-vapour-adsorption techniques for
studying the material.
Amorphous UDCA was prepared by spray-drying a solution of the compound in a
mixture of ethanol and dichloromethane. The amorphous material was charact
erized by powder X-ray diffraction, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, isothermal
microcalorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and water-vapour
adsorption. When the inlet-air temperature of the spray drier was increased
beyond 140 degrees C, the intensity of X-ray diffraction peaks from crysta
lline UDCA decreased and the IR bands in the hydroxyl-stretching and carbox
yl-stretching regions changed. Dissolution of intact and spray-dried sample
s of UDCA prepared at 60 and 100 degrees C was an endothermic process but t
he dissolution became exothermic with increasing inlet-air temperature. UDC
A samples differing in crystallinity were obtained, depending on the inlet-
air temperature. A good correlation was obtained between the heat of soluti
on and the heat of crystallization determined from DSC peak area. A good co
rrelation was also obtained between the heat of solution and the crystallin
ity determined by Ruland's method from X-ray diffraction patterns. The amou
nt of water vapour adsorbed on UDCA samples increased with increasing inlet
-air temperature, indicating hydrogen bonding between water molecules and t
he hydroxyl groups or the carboxyl groups of amorphous UDCA.
These results indicate that measurement of adsorption of water vapour and t
hermal analysis can both be used to evaluate the crystallinity of solid sub