Virtually all movements involve the recruitment of motor units from multipl
e muscles. Given the functional diversity of motor units (motoneurons and t
he muscle fibers they supply), the effective production of specific movemen
ts undoubtedly depends upon some principle(s) to organize the ensemble of a
ctive motor units. The principle acting to organize the recruitment of moto
r units within muscles is the size principle, whereby the first motor units
to be recruited have the smallest values for axonal conduction velocity an
d contractile force, and are the slowest to contract and fatigue. Here we c
onsider the possibility that the size principle applies in the recruitment
of motor units across muscles, i.e., that regardless of their muscles of or
igin, active motor units are recruited in rank order, for example, from low
to high conduction velocity. The benefits of orderly recruitment across mu
scles could be similar to the acknowledged advantages of orderly recruitmen
t within muscles. One benefit is that the neural process involved in organi
zing active motor units would be simplified. In a muscle-based scheme, the
size principle would organize only those motor units within individual musc
les, leaving the nervous system with the additional task of coordinating th
e relative activities of motor units from different muscles. By contrast, i
n an ensemble-based scheme, orderly recruitment of all motor units accordin
g to the size principle would automatically coordinate motor units both wit
hin and across motor nuclei. Another potential benefit is the provision for
movements with smooth trajectory, the result of interleaving the divergent
torque contributions made by motor units from muscles that differ in their
orientations about joints. Otherwise, if order were restricted within musc
les, the torque trajectory of a joint would change unevenly as participatin
g muscles begin contracting at different times and grade activity at differ
ent rates. These considerations support speculation that motor units recrui
ted from co-contracting muscles are collectively recruited according to the
size principle. (C) Elsevier, Paris.