Repetitive discharges (RDs) are observed in electromyograms recorded from h
ealthy as well as diseased muscles. We have evaluated the prevalence of RDs
in some neuromuscular diseases and analysed the time parameters of recordi
ngs displaying RDs as well as shapes of the potentials. In our clinical mat
erial, RDs have been observed exclusively in lower motor neuron lesions, ne
ver in healthy or in myopathic muscles. The prevalence index of RDs in amyo
trophic lateral sclerosis (0.06) was found to be different from that in chr
onic spinal muscle atrophy (0.004). The types of double potential shape hav
e been categorised. The relationships between the amplitude of the second c
omponent and the interspike duration and that between the interspike durati
on and the jitter were calculated. The amplitude of the second component di
minished and jitter of the components increased with the shortening of the
interval between components. The authors suggest that in lower motor neuron
lesions, the RDs of the motorunit (MU) may be one of the first signs of th
e MU's dysfunction. (C) Elsevier, Paris.