Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the principal yield-limiting factors in
Oxisols in various parts of the world. The objective of this study was to
evaluate 15 wheat genotypes for P-use efficiency. The genotypes were evalua
ted in an Oxisol at zero ("low" P), 75 mg P kg(-1) ("medium" P), and 150 mg
P kg(-1) ("high" P). Shoot weight and P uptake in shoot were the most sens
itive plant parameters to P deficiency. Significant (P<0.01) genotypic diff
erences in P-use efficiency were found. Phosphorus-use efficiency is repres
ented as mgs of dry matter of root and shoot per mg of P accumulated in roo
t and shoot. On the basis of P-use efficiency, genotypes were classified as
efficient and responsive (ER), efficient and nonresponsive (ENR), noneffic
ient and responsive (NER), and nonefficient and nonresponsive (NENR). From
a practical point of view, genotypes which produce high shoot dry matter in
a low level of P and respond well to added P are the most desirable becaus
e they are able to express their high yield potential in a wide range of P
environment. Genotypes BR10, CPAC89128, and NLA59 fall into this group. The
se are often referred to as widely adapted genotypes, in contrast with othe
r genotypes which can be referred to as more specifically adapted genotypes