Attachment of pathogenic (Agrobacterium tumefaciens LMG 187, A. rhizogenes
LMG 140, LMG 150) and nonpathogenic (A. radiobacter 5D-1) agrobacteria to t
he root surface of wheat and rice plants grown under sterile conditions was
studied. The number of agrobacteria attached to the plant root surface pro
ved to depend mostly on the strain peculiarities and cultivation conditions
of the agrobacteria rather than on plant species and variety. Dynamics of
the attachment of nonpathogenic agrobacteria to the root surface of the mon
ocotyledonous plants (wheat, rice) exhibited the same pattern as the attach
ment of pathogenic agrobacteria to the root surface of dicotyledonous plant
s. Thermal pretreatment of agrobacteria prevented them from attaching to th
e plant surface. No statistically significant effect of calcium ions on agr
obacterial attachment to wheat roots and root hairs was observed, irrespect
ive of whether these ions were added to the growth medium or incubation buf