We present a systematic approach to mean-field theory (MFT) in a general pr
obabilistic setting without assuming a particular model. The mean-field equ
ations derived here may serve as a local, and thus very simple, method for
approximate inference in probabilistic models such as Boltzmann machines or
Bayesian networks. Our approach is 'model-independent' in the sense that w
e do not assume a particular type of dependences; in a Bayesian network, fo
r example, we allow arbitrary tables to specify conditional dependences. In
general, there are multiple solutions to the mean-field equations. We show
that improved estimates can be obtained by forming a weighted mixture of t
he multiple mean-field solutions. Simple approximate expressions for the mi
xture weights are given. The general formalism derived so far is evaluated
for the special case of Bayesian networks. The benefits of taking info acco
unt multiple solutions are demonstrated by using MFT for inference in a sma
ll and in a very large Bayesian network. The results are compared with the
exact results.