This paper studies the problem of hydrodynamic dispersion of a tracer
in a fluid flowing through a two-dimensional rough channel bounded by
self-affine surfaces. Changing the surface roughness exponent H, rough
walls having different microstructure are obtained. In order to simul
ate hydrodynamics, a lattice-gas automata modified to introduce two di
fferent species of particles is used. In the studied range of Peclet n
umbers (20-50), the concentration profiles along the channel are well
described by Gaussian-type dispersion. A clear enhancement of-the disp
ersion due to roughness is observed. For the studied regime of Peclet
numbers, a simple approach is proposed which allows us to interpret th
e dispersion enhancement in terms of surface roughness. It is shown th
at the dispersion enhancement in the rough channel is due to the prese
nce of two characteristic lengths, the hydraulic diameter delta(H) whi
ch determines the velocity in the channel and the average aperture del
ta(av) which determines the transverse diffusion length; next shown is
that the dispersion in the rough channel varies as D(parallel to)simi
lar to(delta(av)/delta(H))(2). The values of delta(H) Obtained from th
e dispersion results are compared with those obtained from permeabilit
y measures and a good agreement is observed. In the studied domain of
Peclet numbers, the roughness exponent H has only a weak influence on
tho dispersion. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.