V. Balasubramanian et al., On-farm adaptation of knowledge-intensive nitrogen management technologiesfor rice systems, NUTR CYCL A, 53(1), 1999, pp. 59-69
Efficient use of all inputs is vital to achieve and sustain high crop yield
s, maintain resource quality, and minimize environmental pollution. Fertili
zer N is one of the major inputs in rice production. Blanket fertilizer rec
ommendations do not take into account the high field-to-field variability a
nd within-season dynamic changes in indigenous N supply. Since the plant gr
owth reflects the total N supply from all sources, plant N status will be a
good indicator of N availability to crops at any given time. The chlorophy
ll meter (SPAD) and leaf color chart (LCC) are simple, portable diagnostic
tools that can measure the crop N status in situ in rice fields to determin
e the timing of N topdressing. Such decision aids are useful to vary N appl
ication rates to rice crops, based on crop demand and indigenous N supply.
Although the chlorophyll meter cannot be owned by individual farmers due to
its high cost, it is a practically useful tool for field researchers, exte
nsion specialists, and crop consultants who do not have access to well-equi
pped laboratories. On-farm, adaptive research is in progress in 3 countries
to adapt the chlorophyll meter technique for transplanted and wet-seeded r
ice, local cultivar groups, and soil, crop, and environmental conditions. I
nitial results indicate that the SPAD threshold value of 35 is good for tra
nsplanted rice in dry season. The threshold has to be reduced to 32 for wet
-seeded rice in dry season and for all rice during wet season with cloudy w
eather and low radiation. Thus, when calibrated with local cultivar groups
and crop conditions, it can be used to accurately monitor crop N status and
to advise farmers on N topdressing for rice. It can also be used effective
ly to verify the adequacy of existing N fertilizer recommendations to rice
by the in situ monitoring of foliar N status of crops fertilized with curre
nt recommendations and to refine them to further improve N fertilization of
rice. The LCC is not as accurate as the chlorophyll meter in determining t
he leaf N status in rice crops. However, LCC can be calibrated with the chl
orophyll meter to fix the critical color shade for local rice cultivar grou
ps and crop conditions. Farmers can, then, use the LCC to qualitatively ass
ess foliar N status and adjust N topdressing to their rice crops. Initial f
eedback on the use of LCC from farmer cooperators in the Philippines is hig
hly encouraging. Both methods are affected by factors such as varietal grou
p, plant density, crop stress that causes leaf chlorosis, soil nutrient sta
tus, and climate; therefore, they have to be adapted to specific soil, clim
atic, and crop conditions. Adequate training is necessary for both extensio
n agents and farmers to properly use the new tools for increasing the effic
iency N fertilizer use on rice. Wider farmer adoption of the two diagnostic
tools discussed in this paper will minimize over-fertilization of rice, in
crease profitability, and decrease fertilizer-related pollution of the envi