We evaluated the prevalence of pathological visually evoked potentials (VEP
) before the apppearance of papilledema or other signs of elevated intracra
nial pressure in children suffering from craniosynostosis. In 52 children (
19 girls, 33 boys, median age 7.6 months, mean age 7.6 months, range from 3
to 34 months) preoperative VEP were analyzed, In 13 patients, pathological
VEP were observed. In all children, both eyes were involved. Only I child
suffered from papillar anomalies. Latency was pathological in 12 children,
whereas the amplitude was suppressed in only 2 children. In all children wi
th preoperative pathological VEP, postoperative controls (n = 4) were impro
ved or normal. Thus, VEP may be the first test for neuronal damage in crani