Principles of supplementation are discussed in respect of both, their posit
ive and negative effects on roughage digestion and utilization by ruminants
. It is pointed out that negative effects mainly occur when excessively pro
cessed concentrate is given in large quantities two times per day. This low
ers rumen pH which in turn depresses cellulose digestion and intake of cell
ulosic feeds, leading to problems of acidosis and secondary ketosis due to
off-feed conditions. To a large extent, such problems can be overcome by li
mited processing and feeding the concentrate mixed with the roughage.
Supplements can also have positive effects by alleviating deficiencies such
as nitrogen or by providing easily fermentable fiber to increase microbes
for attachment to roughages. Supplements can increase microbial protein pro
duction and undegraded protein supply. It is emphasized that proper use and
management of supplements can make the difference between profit and loss
for small farmers. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.