Failure of bolted timber joints is analyzed experimentally and numerically.
In this study, the prediction of the load-carrying capacity of dowel-type
joints with one dowel under static loading is based on the analysis of frac
ture in wood contrarily to most engineering methods that are based on the y
ield theory. Mechanical joints consist of glued laminated spruce members an
d steel dowels. In the different analyzed tests, the bolt loads the wood pa
rallel or perpendicular to the grain. The wood member thickness is chosen s
ufficiently thin to avoid the fastener from presenting plastic hinges. The
influences of different structural parameters such as the dowel diameter, t
he edge- and end-distances are investigated. The fracture propagation analy
sis is carried out with the Finite Element (FE) method in the framework of
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). The only identified parameter is
the critical energy release rate in mode I (G(IC)). The comparison between
experimental and numerical results shows that the fracture must be consider
ed for a correct prediction of the ultimate load and that LEFM can help to
improve design codes.