Syndrome X, the clustering of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, is r
ecognized as an obesity-related health concern among adults. In particular,
individuals with visceral (intra-abdominal) obesity are prone to developin
g syndrome X. Although extremes of visceral fat have been detected in prepu
bertal children, the extent to which visceral fat contributes to the develo
pment of disease risk factors in children is not known. This review address
es the occurrence of syndrome X and its antecedents in the pediatric popula
tion, as well as two specific issues regarding syndrome X in children: the
roles of ethnicity and visceral fat. The central feature to emerge from mos
t studies is that basal and post-challenge insulin are significantly higher
in African-American, Mexican-American, and Pima Indian children compared t
o Caucasian children. Although these ethnic differences are independent of
adiposity, adiposity is associated with greater insulin in all ethnic group
s examined. Mexican-Americans have a higher lipid risk factor level, which
is related to greater obesity, and African-Americans have lesser lipid-asso
ciated risk, independent of obesity. African-American children may be more
likely to develop type 2 diabetes due to obesity-independent hyperinsulinem
ia and insulin resistance, but appear less predisposed to the obesity-relat
ed clustering of risk factors associated with syndrome X. Mexican-American
children may be more likely to develop syndrome X due to greater obesity-re
lated hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia. Total body fat, rather than viscer
al fat, appears be the primary determinant of insulin resistance prior to p
uberty. However, visceral adipose tissue is uniquely related to both insuli
n and lipid risk factors in children and adolescents, and thus may contribu
te to the development of the early stages of syndrome X (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss
, Inc.