Textbook treatments of the Galilean covariance of the time-dependent Schrod
inger equation for a spinless particle seem invariably to cover the case of
a free particle or one in the presence of a scalar potential. The principa
l objective of this paper is to examine the situation in the case of arbitr
ary forces, including the velocity-dependent variety resulting from a vecto
r potential. To this end, we revisit the 1964 theorem of Jauch which purpor
ts to determine the most general form of the Hamiltonian consistent with ''
Galilean-invariance," and argue that the proof is less than compelling. We
then show systematically that the Schrodinger equation in the case of a Jau
ch-type Hamiltonian is Galilean covariant, so long as the vector and scalar
potentials transform in a certain way. These transformations, which to our
knowledge have appeared very rarely in the literature on quantum mechanics
, correspond in the case of electrodynamical forces to the ''magnetic" nonr
elativistic limit of Maxwell's equations in the sense of Le Bellac and Levy
-Leblond (1973). Finally, this Galilean covariant theory sheds light on Fey
nman's ''proof" of Maxwell's equations, as reported by Dyson in 1990. (C) 1
999 American Association of Physics Teachers.