The authors analyse of a series of 26 patients (17 females and 9 males) wit
h a mean age of 32 years (range, 18 to 55 years) operated for adrenal phaeo
chromocytoma, All patients were hypertensive. The laboratory assessment (as
say of blood catecholamines and urinary catecholamine metabolites) performe
d in more than 2/3 of cases confirmed the diagnosis in more than 80% of cas
es. The topographic diagnosis was facilitated by computed tomography. Fifte
en patients received preoperative treatment with alpha-blockers or calcium
channel blockers. Various incisions were used, but a lumbar incision was th
e most frequent. Blood pressure was controlled postoperatively in 24 patien
ts. Two patients died 1 and 2 postoperatively. New diagnostic modalities (C
T, MRI) have facilitated the diagnosis and the site of localization of phae
ochromocytomas, thereby improving the choice of incision. Patient-specific
preoperative preparation and appropriate anaesthesia facilitate successful
adrenal gland surgery.