Our previous experience with abnormal fatty acid metabolism in several chil
dren with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) prompted evaluation of fatty acid m
etabolism in a larger cohort. Thirty-three infants with severe infantile SI
MA were shown to have a significantly increased ratio of dodecanoic to tetr
adecanoic acid in plasma compared with normal infants and 6 infants affecte
d with equally debilitating, non-SMA denervating disorders. Seventeen child
ren with milder forms of SMA had normal fatty acid profiles. In addition, a
ll 5 infants with severe SMA evaluated in a fasting state developed a disti
nctive and marked dicarboxylic aciduria, including saturated, unsaturated,
and S-hydroxy forms, comparable in severity with the dicarboxylic aciduria
of children with primary defects of mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation
. Nine children with chronic SMA and 23 control patients did not develop an
abnormal dicarboxylic aciduria during fasting. No known disorder of fatty
acid metabolism explains all of the abnormalities we find in SMA. Our data
suggest, however, that the abnormalities are not a consequence of SMA-relat
ed immobility, systemic illness, muscle denervation, or muscle atrophy. The
se abnormalities in fatty acid metabolism may be caused by changes in cellu
lar physiology related to the molecular defects of the SMA-pathogenic survi
val motor neuron gene or neighboring genes.