Calpensia nobilis (Esper) is a bryozoan which grows on rhizomes of the seag
rass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile. To assess the impact of the bryozoan o
n the seagrass, at each of two localities, Tabarca Island and Cabo de Palos
, two sites were sampled. The samples were subjected to a lepidochronologic
al analysis in order to measure the differences in growth rate, weight/leng
th ratio, rhizome production and number of leaves per year in rhizomes colo
nised by C. nobilis Versus no colonised ones. A significant increase in rhi
zome growth rate and a decrease in its weight/length ratio ocurred when C.
nobilis was present. There were no significant differences in rhizome produ
ction. The size of C. nobilis colonies was positively correlated with rhizo
me growth rate and negatively correlated with its weight/length ratio. (C)
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