By using bidimensional spectral data obtained at the 6 m telescope for the
Virgo spirals NGC 4216 and NGC 4501, we have found chemically distinct meta
l-rich nuclei in these galaxies. Under the assumption of equal ages for the
nuclear and bulge stellar populations, the metallicity difference between
the nuclei and their environments in the galaxies is estimated as a factor
of 2. But we have also found an age difference between the nucleus and the
bulge in NGC 4216: age-metallicity disentangling on the diagrams (HP, Mg b)
, (H beta, [MgFe]), and (H beta, (Fe)) results in an age estimate for the n
ucleus of 8-12 Gyr, the bulge being older by a factor of 1.5-2; the self-co
nsistent metallicity difference estimate is then a factor of 3. The solar m
agnesium-to-iron ratios in the galactic nuclei show evidence for long durat
ion of the secondary nuclear star formation bursts that produced the chemic
ally distinct stellar subsystems. Detailed morphological and kinematic anal
yses made for the stellar and gaseous structures in the centers of NGC 4216
and 4501 have revealed the presence of circumnuclear stellar-gaseous disks
with radii of some hundreds of parsecs that demonstrate fast axisymmetric
rotation and lie exactly in the planes of the main galactic disks.