Platelets are essential for the maintenance of haemostasis and, on the othe
r hand, play a pivotal role in the formation of a thrombus. It is clear tha
t reduced platelet activity will result in a bleeding tendency, whereas sti
mulation of platelets can lead to thrombosis.
Human antiplatelet antibodies may not only result in thrombocytopenia, but
they have also been found either to inhibit or activate platelets, Inhibiti
on by antibodies of the function of different receptors on platelets, such
as collagen receptors, the glycoprotein (GP) Ib/IX (acquired Bernard-Soulie
r syndrome) or the GPIIb/IIIa complex (acquired Glanzmann's thrombasthenia)
, results in a haemorrhagic disorder very similar to the situation where th
e respective receptors are absent.
On the other hand, reports have described a number of antibodies that activ
ate platelets. The mechanism by which they do so varies and can involve int
eraction with the Fc receptor present on platelets, activation of the compl
ement system or direct activation by binding to a signal-transducing antige
Although the presence of such antibodies is expected to aggravate the probl
ems due to the frequently occurring immune thrombocytopenia, treatment of t
hese patients essentially relies on classical immunosuppressive therapy. In
the case of activating antibodies, antithrombotic measures, such as antico
agulants or antiplatelet agents, can be envisaged.