In previous work we have shown that juvenile male great tits Parus major sh
ow consistent behavioural differences in exploratory and aggressive behavio
ur. Fast and superficial explorers (FE) won from slow and thorough explorer
s (SE) during controlled pair-wise confrontations in small cages. The prese
nt study assesses the relationship between early exploratory behaviour and
later dominance in aviary groups of juvenile male great tits; such groups m
ight approach natural conditions better than 'simple' pair-wise confrontati
ons. Observations of nine aviary groups showed that a stable hierarchy is o
nly established after a first dynamic phase of several days with many domin
ance shifts and a peak in number of interactions. In seven other aviary gro
ups we determined the dominance relationships between FE and SE. In a stabl
e hierarchy, SE had on average a significantly higher dominance score than
FE. This finding contrasts our previous results in pair-wise confrontations
. However, on the first day in the aviary, FE had on average a higher domin
ance score and initiated more fights than SE. This agrees with our previous
results and indicates a gradual development of the situation in the stable
hierarchy. Behavioural observations indicate that during this development,
FE took more risks in their fighting behaviour and had more difficulty to
cope with defeat than SE. In the stable hierarchy they either won or lost f
rom all SE. SE were more cautious and had intermediate dominance scores in
the stable hierarchy. These differences in fighting behaviour and the role
of individual differences in exploratory behaviour and in coping with defea
t are discussed as possible causes for the unexpected results of this study