Converging evidence from investigations of the peripheral and central aspec
ts of bidirectional brain-gut interactions is beginning to shape a pathophy
siological model of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and related functional g
astrointestinal (GI) disorders. This neurobiological model includes alterat
ions in autonomic, neuroendocrine, and pain modulatory mechanisms. The freq
uent association of IBS and other functional GI disorders with co-morbid af
fective disorders and temporal association of symptom exacerbation with psy
chosocial or physical stressors are consistent with alterations in the neur
obiological mechanisms underlying the central stress response. Renewed inte
rest in drug development for IBS has resulted in development of instruments
for the better assessment of the impact of global symptoms on quality of l
ife and in the development of candidate compounds undergoing clinical evalu