In the paper the transport of electrons and ions in plasma is studied by co
mputer simulation. The main goal of the modelling was to establish an exact
form of energy distributions of charged particles near the metal substrate
s immersed into plasma and to analyse changes in their distributions during
the transport through both the presheath and the sheath for various voltag
e biases and substrate geometries. Further results concern the probe charac
teristics both in inert gas and chemically active plasma and the distributi
on of potential and space charge in the vicinity of metal electrodes. As a
simulation technique the combination of molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo
methods was used. The movement of charged particles in self-consistent elec
tric field was studied under the assumption of internal symmetry of the pro
blem, which enabled to reduce the number of necessary co-ordinates to four
(either 1d3v or 2d2v).