Genetic epidemiologists are well aware that the casewise and pairwise twin
concordances are two different measures. In determining appropriate estimat
ors for each of these measures, the method of ascertainment must be conside
red. Here, we derive expressions for the concordance estimators and their a
symptotic variances appropriate to different twin ascertainment schemes usi
ng a likelihood framework, and apply these formulas to existing data We emp
hasize the distinction between concordance measures (i.e., the parameters o
f interest) and the concordance estimators based on the number of pairs obs
erved. Under random or complete ascertainment the casewise estimator is asy
mptotically unbiased for the casewise concordance, and the pairwise estimat
or is asymptotically unbiased for the pairwise concordance. Under incomplet
e ascertainment, the casewise estimator is biased for the casewise concorda
nce, the pairwise estimator is biased for the pairwise concordance, but the
probandwise estimator is asymptotically unbiased for the casewise concorda
nce. One can extend the Likelihood equations presented here to allow the co
ncordance parameter of interest to depend on zygosity and, if measured, oth
er factors such as cohabitation status and similarity for genetic markers,
while concurrently allowing the disease prevalence to depend on measured co
variates. Genet. Epidemiol. 16:290-304, 1999. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.