Autonomous mobility of different copies of the Foil element was determined
for several strains of the fungal plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum to deve
lop a transposon tagging system. Two Fot1 copies inserted into the third in
tron of the nitrate reductase structural gene (niaD) were separately introd
uced into two genetic backgrounds devoid of endogenous Foil elements. Mobil
ity of these copies was observed through a phenotypic assay for excision ba
sed on the restoration of nitrate reductase activity. Inactivation of the F
oil transposase open reading frame (frameshift, deletion, or disruption) pr
evented excision in strains free of Foil elements. Molecular analysis of th
e Nia(+) revertant strains showed that the Foil element reintegrated freque
ntly into new genomic sites after-excision and that it can transpose from t
he introduced niaD gene into a different chromosome. Sequence analysis of s
everal Fot1 excision sites revealed the so-called footprint left by this tr
ansposable element. Three reinserted Fot1 elements were cloned and the DNA
sequences Ranking the transposon were determined using inverse polymerase c
hain reaction. In all cases, the transposon was inserted into a TA dinucleo
tide and created the characteristic TA target site duplication. The availab
ility of autonomous Foil copies will new permit the development of an effic
ient two-component transposon tagging system comprising a tr trans-activato
r element supplying transposase and a cis-responsive marked element.