Responses to the Approaches to Studying Inventory were obtained from 2,288
post-foundation students taking courses by distance learning at the Open Un
iversity. A factor analysis of their subscale scores produced a solution th
at was commensurable with results of earlier research carried out with camp
us-based students. Indeed, their approaches to studying were more appropria
te to the avowed aims of higher education, but this could be attributed to
age differences between campus-based and distance-learning students. The ap
proaches to studying of distance-learning students were affected by backgro
und variables such as gender, age, academic discipline and prior education,
and they were more appropriate to the avowed aims of higher education than
those of other students taking foundation courses by distance learning. Ev
en when effects of background variables were taken into account, the distan
ce-learning students' approaches to studying were related to pass rates and
final grades. In particular, there was a strong negative association betwe
en reproducing orientation and academic outcome.