A numerical simulation method for the slip power recovery system is present
ed. The rig induction-machine model. using flux linkages as state variables
is used. This leads to a simple and efficient computer program. The diode
bridge rectifier is modelled using three switching functions that are deter
mined by the sign of the corresponding AC currents. The model obtained is v
ery simple, and accurately represents the three-phase diode bridge rectifie
r including the current commutation process. To merge the models of the ind
uction machine and the diode-bridge rectifier, no difficulties arise when a
direct-voltage intermediate circuit is present. When a direct-current circ
uit is used in the intermediate circuit a model of the whole 'induction mac
hine and diode-bridge rectifier' must be used. Park's variables can be used
in this case, also. The operations performed to model the system are equiv
alent to assuming that the diode bridge rectifier and the DC circuits are t
ransformed into a nonlinear circuit connected to the rotor terminals. MATLA
B/simulink is used to integrate the equations. Experimental and simulated r
esults are presented and compared showing good accuracy.