A photonic ATM switch based on wavelength-division multiplexing will includ
e several lossy passive devices, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, and semicon
ductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) in a cascade configuration for fast switch
ing of ns order. Its lever diagram, which is very different from those of o
ptical transmission links, has not been adequately studied. This paper inve
stigates the concept of basing the level design of the photonic asynchronou
s-transfer-mode (ATM) switch we are developing on its Q-factor. First, we d
erive formulation of the Q-factor in a single PD and a dual-PD in a Manches
ter-encoded signal, which has several merits in packet switching and that w
e believe will become popular in photonic packet switches. Using this formu
la, we show an example of the level-diagram design including the Q factor c
alculation in an optical combiner and distributor section without SOA in ou
r photonic ATM, switch. Next, we showed experimentally that the pattern eff
ect in SOAs can be suppressed by using a Manchester-encoded signal. Finally
we confirm that the allowable minimum level diagram in the switch can be b
ased on a simple Q calculation and easy measurement of a bit error rate (BE
R) in a back-to-back configuration when using a Manchester-encoded signal.
These results show that basing the level design of photonic ATM switches on
the Q factor is feasible when using a Manchester signals. This approach ca
n be applied to various types of photonic packet switches.