The purpose of this study was to determine the relative microleakage of fiv
e restorative systems when bonded to dentine/cementum. For the microleakage
determination Class V cavity preparations were prepared on the facial surf
aces of 65 teeth (10-15 for each material) below the cemento-enamel junctio
n and restored. The root apices were sealed, the teeth coated with nail var
nish except for 1mm surrounding the restorations and the specimens were the
rmocycled (x500) in 2 per cent methylene blue solution. Root sections inclu
ding the restorations were dissolved in acid and the concentrations of the
dye determined spectrophotometrically. The sequence of the microleakage val
ues were: Dyract < OptiBond < AeliteBond < All-Bond 2 < ScotchBond. It is c
oncluded that Dyract had the lowest microleakage at dentine/cementum interf
ace, which may increase the longevity of the restorative in the clinical si
tuation, with no, or less secondary caries.