RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES. The authors sought to create a realistic model of
the parenchymous vascularization and perfusion.
METHODS. A three-dimensional vascular model has been developed that reprodu
ces the growth process of a vascular tree (angiogenesis), This model follow
's physical laws related to blood flow in vessels (Poiseuille's law), takes
into account anatomic constraints, and optimizes a cost function related t
o the blood volume.
RESULTS. Vascular trees, the ramifications of which go from main arteries t
o small arterioles, were simulated. Vascular structures corresponding to ei
ther a normal tissue perfusion or an abnormal perfusion (for example, a loc
al hypervascularization) were presented in three dimensions (volume renderi
ng). Geometric and hemodynamic characteristics computed on these trees were
consistent with those of real data found in the literature, The vascular m
odel is also a good tool for studying the propagation of the contrast produ
ct in normal and abnormal vessels,
CONCLUSIONS. The three-dimensional vascular model presented in this article
provides insight into the simulation and the understanding of anatomic or
physiologic vascular modifications.