We present Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers Ion Release Modu
le (AMPTE IRM) observations of a wave packet of compressional Pc5 ULF oscil
lations between 0915 and 1030 UT on October 28, 1984. The waves are observe
d in the local morning near the equatorial plane, have a dominant period of
similar to 380 s, and most probably have a fundamental field-aligned harmo
nic structure. The waves have previously been interpreted as a magnetospher
ic waveguide mode propagating downtail [Mann et al., 1998]. At the time of
the maximum amplitude of the waves, AMPTE IRM observes oscillations in the
background density at a frequency twice that of the coincident VLF pulsatio
ns. We develop a theory which explains the generation of frequency-doubled
density fluctuations through large-amplitude radial displacements of curved
flux tubes in a nonadiabatic background plasma pressure distribution. The
theory predicts a phase locking between the peaks and troughs of the radial
velocity field and the peaks in the frequency-doubled density oscillations
which is observed by AMPTE IRM. The observations strongly support the hypo
thesis that the frequency doubling occurs as a result of finite amplitude e