In northern Patagonia, Argentina we quantify changes in fire frequency alon
g a gradient from mesic Nothofagus dombeyi forest to xeric woodlands of Aus
trocedrus chilensis at the steppe ecotone, and we examine patterns of veget
ation change coincident with the changes in fire regimes across a range of
spatial scales. At a regional scale changes in land cover types are documen
ted by comparing 1:250 000 scale cover type maps from 1913 and 1985. Change
s in landscape structure are analyzed by comparing vegetation patterns on 1
:24 000 scale aerial photographs taken in 1940 and 1970. Fire frequency pea
ked in the late nineteenth-century due to widespread burning and clearing o
f forests by European settlers late in the century. Subsequently, fire freq
uency declined dramatically about 1910 due to the cessation of intentional
fires and has remained low due to increasingly effective fire exclusion. At
a regional scale there has been a dramatic increase during the twentieth c
entury in the proportion of forest cover relative to areas mapped as recent
burns or shrublands in 1913. Remnant forest patches that survived the wide
spread late-nineteenth century burning have coalesced to form more continuo
us forest covers, and formerly continuous areas of shrublands have become d
issected by forest. Under reduced fire frequency there has been a shift in
dominance from short-lived resprouting species (mostly shrubs) towards long
er-lived species and obligate seed-dispersers such as Austrocedrus chilensi
s and Nothofagus dombeyi. Due to limited seed dispersal of these tree speci
es, the spatial configuration of remnant forest patches plays a key role in
subsequent changes in landscape pattern.