Methods of coherent echo spectroscopy are employed to experimentally invest
igate long-lived states that arise in an SF6 gas under the action of polari
zed infrared resonant radiation and that are associated with polarization m
oments of levels degenerate of the magnetic quantum number. It is demonstra
ted that, for high pressures of the working gas and buffer He and Xe specie
s, the inelastic channel provides a dominant contribution to the collisiona
l relaxation of polarization moments. For a low-pressure SF6 gas, the decay
rate of the echo signal decreases with the growth in the delay time betwee
n pumping pulses, which is associated with the increase in the contribution
of molecules with small radial velocity projections to the coherent respon
se. The existence of this effect gives grounds to believe that long-lived s
tates with lifetimes limited by the radiative lifetime can be detected.