Jet-cooled CS2 molecules were pumped by a nanosecond UV laser pulse into a
rotational level of an electronically excited state. After a delay, the deg
enerate magnetic sublevels of this rotational state were subjected to a seq
uence of tailored magnetic field pulses B-Z(t), which split the Zeeman leve
ls and thereby created coherences. The time evolution of these superpositio
n states was monitored by the quantum beat method. In the presence of an ad
ditional static magnetic field B-Y perpendicular to the pulsed field B-Z(t)
, control and manipulation of the generated coherences could be further ext
ended. This work demonstrates the versatility of this technique where the B
-Z(t) pulse length, pulse amplitude, the timing of the pulses and their mut
ual delay provide flexibility in creating, controlling and manipulating sup
erposition states in molecules.