Polymeric multilayer films are self-assembled by alternating electrostatic
adsorption of a coloured polyanion and UV-labeled polycations which exhibit
polysoap characteristics. Film thicknesses grow linearly with the adsorpti
on cycles, albeit the films grown from salt-free aqueous solutions are very
thin. Accordingly, the hydrophobically associating polymers decoil complet
ely upon adsorption. The adsorption process is very sensitive to short dryi
ng or to intermittent storage periods. Also, the films are apparently prone
to certain structural rearrangements. Reactive groups contained in the pol
yelectrolytes can be employed for reactions with low molar mass reagents di
ffusing in, but the reactivity of internal layers is limited. The reactions
take place without disintegration of the films, on the contrary, the smoot
hness of the films is improved after the chemical reaction.