Jumbled spine and ribs (Jsr) is an autosomal dominant mutation that results
in malformation of the axial skeleton. The vertebrae of mutant mice (Jsr/) are all shorter than those of normal mice (+/+) in the inbred line and sh
ow various abnormalities. In addition, several ribs are fused at their prox
imal region because of fusion of thoracic vertebrae. In this study, we loca
lized the Jsr-mutation on distal Chromosome (Chr) 5 and constructed a high-
resolution map. Chromosomal mapping was performed with an inter-subspecific
backcross of (CKH-Jsr/+ x MOG) F-1 carrying the Jsr allele and CKH-+/+. Th
e predicted gene order around Jsr was determined to be cen-(Epo, Pdgfa, D5M
it31, D5Mit374)-(Jsr, Nfe2u, D5Mit99, D5Mit247, D5Mit284, D5Mit292, D5Mit32
7)-D5Mit328-tel. Subsequently, high-resolution mapping concluded the Jsr lo
calization to be cen-Nfe2u-1.0cM-Jsr-0.2cM-D5Mit247,292-tel. Jsr/Jsr homozy
gotes are alive, as the mutation is not lethal. Based on histological analy
sis of mutant embryos, Jsr is hypothesized to be caused by abnormal develop
ment of primordial cells in the axial skeleton.