During the years 1995 and 1996 there was an epidemic of viral hepatitis A (
VHA) in French Polynesia. In these islands where 220,000 inhabitants live,
2,072 VHA cases were reported (about 1% of the population). The young were
the most affected: 84% of the patients were under 20 years old, and 160 hos
pitalized patients were under 16 years old. Among them, four cases of fulmi
nant hepatitis were observed; two of them died. The possible role of parace
tamol as an aggravation factor in the acute forms must be evoked. Different
factors concurred to the emergence of this epidemic: contamination of the
drinking water system, abundant rains, increasing susceptibility in the you
ngest children, bad practice of the elementary public health rules in the c
hildren collectivities (hand washing). The setting up of a vaccination prog
ram against VHA in French overseas departments and territories (DOM-TOM) wh
ich are at an intermediate endemic level would be pertinent. (C) 1999 Elsev
ier Paris.