An elastic-viscous-plastic (EVP) model fur sea ice dynamics has recently be
en proposed as a computationally efficient alternative to the viscous-plast
ic (VP) model widely in use. The EVP model features a fully explicit discre
tization that improves the model's efficiency, particularly on high-resolut
ion grids, and adapts easily to parallel computation. Comparison of two hig
h-resolution Arctic sea ice simulations, identical except for the ice dynam
ics, indicates that the EVP model reproduces the VP model behavior on times
cales relevant to climate studies. The ice concentration and thickness dist
ributions over a l-yr integration period are remarkably similar in the two
models, although the EVP model responds more rapidly and accurately to stro
ng synoptic weather systems than does the VP model, compared to drifting Ar
ctic buoys. A close look at rates of strain shows that elastic waves in the
EVP model do not significantly alter the ice behavior in highly compact ar
eas, where the waves most benefit numerical efficiency. Internal stress of
the ice is also similar in the two models; both deviate from viscoplasticit
y in regions of nearly rigid ice and in regions of low concentration underg
oing approximately free drift motion.