Idiopathic glomerular enlargement. has previously been described in a numbe
r of indigenous populations, including Australian Aborigines. This study ha
d three aims: (1) evaluate three methods for estimating mean glomerular tuf
t and renal corpuscle volume; (2) assess the effects of fixation on glomeru
lar dimensions; and (3) estimate glomerular tuft and renal corpuscle volume
in clinical biopsies from Australian non-Aboriginals, Aboriginals and Abor
iginal inhabitants of the Tiwi Islands (Bathurst Island and Melville Island
, Northern Territory, Australia). First, glomerular volume was determined i
n initial transplant biopsies from 17 non-Aboriginal males (30-50 years) us
ing three methods: the Cavalieri method, a stereological method that requir
es serial sectioning of glomeruli and knowledge of section thickness, but r
equires no knowledge or assumptions of glomerular size or shape (the gold-s
tandard method); the stereological method of Weibel and Gomez that employs
a single section but requires assumptions of glomerular size distribution a
nd shape; and the maximal profile method, with which the largest glomerular
profile in a single section is identified, and used to calculate the volum
e of the parent glomerulus (assuming glomerular sphericity). Estimates for
glomerular tuft volume were (mean +/- SD): Cavalieri method (2.08 +/- 0.37
X 10(6) mu m(3)); Weibel and Gomez (2.55 +/- 0.63 X 10(6) mu m(3)); maximal
profile method (3.09 +/- 0.6610(6) mu m(3)). Taking the Cavalieri estimate
to be accurate, the maximal profile method is seen to grossly overestimate
mean glomerular tuft volume, whereas the Weibel and Gomez method overestim
ated tuft volume by 23%. Both methods considerably overestimated mean renal
corpuscle volume. In the study of fixation and glomerular dimensions, we f
ound that glomeruli in clinical biopsies fixed in formalin were larger (47%
for glomerular tuft and 25% for renal corpuscle) than the glomeruli in bio
psies fixed in formol mercury/Dubosq Brazil. This result emphasizes the imp
ortance of standardizing the histological technique in quantitative studies
of glomeruli. Finally, the Weibel and Gomez method was used to estimate me
an glomerular volume in formalin-fixed clinical biopsies from 80 non-Aborig
inal Australians, 78 non-Tiwi Aboriginals and 72 Tiwi Aboriginals. Mean glo
merular tuft volumes were: 3.12 +/- 1.46 X 10(6) mu m(3), 4.91 +/- 2.59 X 1
0(6) mu m(3) and 4.79 +/- 2.08 X 10(6) mu m(3), respectively, (for biopsies
with four or more profiles). Mean glomerular tuft volume in the two Aborig
inal populations was significantly (P < 0.001 in each case) greater than th
at in the non-Aboriginals. These data indicate that there is pronounced glo
merulomegaly in Australian Aborigines.